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after effect中文是什么意思

用"after effect"造句"after effect"怎么读"after effect" in a sentence


  • 弹性后效应
  • 后效应,副作用
  • 后效酌
  • 后遗效应
  • 后遗症
  • 后酌
  • 事后效应
  • 滞后效应


  • The after effect occurs only if the additive is present during irradiation .
  • " the imaginative writer " , he declared , " is after effects , the scientific man is after truth .
    他说, “有想象力的作家追求的是效果,科学家追求的是真实。 ”
  • If you choose online payment mode , you can download the stamp certificate immediately after effecting payment electronically
  • A list of tasks , information about task delays , and a bar chart showing the before and after effects of leveling
  • The latter s distraction at his bereavement is a subject too painful to be dwelt on ; its after effects showed how deep the sorrow sunk
  • Color finesse 2 gives you the high - end color correction and enhancement tools you need both as a plug - in for after effects and premiere pro and as a standalone application
  • An english major can become a good storytelling , a painter can become good at charactor design , a very technique person can become good at modeling , rigging or after effect
  • Judging from the experience of other countries , i expect the absolute inflationary effects will be mild with a low rate sales tax . the inflationary effects will also be one - off with little after effects . 4
  • Three months later , some man took pity on her and undertook her moral and physical salvation . but this latest blow had been too great and louise died of the after effects of the miscarriage she had suffered
  • This is similar to how monster cards that have been destroyed by damage calculation cannot be returned to the hand , even though they are not actually sent to the graveyard until after effects are resolved
    这类似于伤害计算后怪兽被战斗破坏确定将无法回手牌,即使是效果解决完才会将?们实际送入墓地(注:应该是指企鹅士兵之类的反转效果) 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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